Through Reconciliation, Christians are freed from sins committed after Baptism. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is considered the normal way to be absolved from mortal sins which, it is believed, would otherwise condemn a person to Hell.
The Sacrament has four elements, three on the part of the penitent (contrition, confession and satisfaction) and one on the part of the minister of the Sacrament (absolution).
Catholics distinguish between two types of sin: Mortal sins are a grave violation of God's law that turns man away from God. Someone who is aware of having committed mortal sins must repent of having done so, and must confess them in order to benefit from the Sacrament. Venial sins, the kind that "does not set us in direct opposition to the will and friendship of God", can be remitted by contrition and reception of other Sacraments, but they too are rightly and usefully declared in confession.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered 1/2 hour prior to daily mass Tuesday to Friday, and by appointment.
First Reconciliation Preparation
Children who have received First Eucharist prepare to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time during the autumn months. First Reconciliation is celebrated prior to the Advent season.
To register your child for this program, please contact the Parish Office at 306.782.2449.